Create Loan

This request creates a new loan account.

Create a Loan + Link a Customer
Open Recipe
Create an Installment Loan
Open Recipe
   Click here to learn more about this request

Loans are a type of lending product that can be created and associated with your borrowers. LoanPro supports multiple types of loans—such as installment loans, flooring loans, leases, and more. Use the "loanClass" and "loanType" fields to experiment with different loan products.

Here are some additional details regarding building this request:

  • The Loan Creation Defaults ↗ within the tenant settings can autofill most of the information within the LoanSetup object. Take a look at the Minimum Required payload example to see which fields must be added manually.
  • When creating a loan, only the LoanSetup object is required—all other objects are optional. Additionally, only several fields within the LoanSetup object are required. Check the Minimum Required Payload example below to see which fields are required.
  • Optional objects (Collateral, Escrow, Customers, etc.) can be added to this request to include more information about the loan. This is optional, and we explain how these objects are formatted elsewhere in this documentation. For an example of how you can include multiple objects in a request to create a new loan, take a look at the sample payloads below.

🔗 Want to create a loan and link a borrower in one request?

Add the Customers object to the payload and include the customer's ID. Take a look at our sample payload or recipe for an example.

Please note: It's only possible to add an existing customer—you cannot create a new customer and a new loan in one request.

For an example of how creating a loan works within the UI, take a look at our Create New Loan ↗ article.


For information regarding loan database tables, see the following articles:

    "displayId": "New Loan Display ID",
    "LoanSetup": {
        "loanAmount": "10000.00",
        "discount": "500.00",
        "underwriting": "0.00",
        "loanRate": "12.0212",
        "loanRateType": "loan.rateType.annually",
        "loanTerm": "36",
        "contractDate": "2015-05-07",
        "firstPaymentDate": "2015-05-08",
        "amountDown": "0.00",
        "reserve": "5.00",
        "salesPrice": "12000",
        "gap": "1120.",
        "warranty": "2500",
        "dealerProfit": "1000",
        "taxes": "125.25",
        "creditLimit": "15500",
        "loanClass": "loan.class.carLoan",
        "loanType": "loan.type.installment",
        "scheduleTemplate": "0",
        "discountSplit": "1",
        "paymentFrequency": "loan.frequency.monthly",
        "calcType": "loan.calcType.simpleInterest",
        "daysInYear": "loan.daysInYear.frequency",
        "interestApplication": "loan.interestApplication.betweenTransactions",
        "begEnd": "loan.begend.end",
        "firstPeriodDays": "loan.firstPeriodDays.frequency",
        "firstDayInterest": 0,
        "discountCalc": "loan.discountCalc.rebalancing",
        "diyAlt": "",
        "daysInPeriod": "loan.daysinperiod.24",
        "roundDecimals": "5",
        "lastAsFinal": "",
        "curtailPercentBase": "loan.curtailpercentbase.loanAmount",
        "nddCalc": "loan.nddCalc.standard",
        "endInterest": "",
        "feesPaidBy": "",
        "graceDays": "5",
        "lateFeeType": "loan.lateFee.3",
        "lateFeeAmount": "30.00",
        "lateFeePercent": "10.00",
        "lateFeeCalc": "loan.lateFeeCalc.standard",
        "lateFeePercentBase": "loan.latefeepercentbase.regular",
        "paymentDateApp": "loan.pmtdateapp.actual",
        "maxInterestAmount": "0",
        "financeChargeAsMIA": 1
// This payload uses the tenant Loan Defaults to input the remaining loan information.

    "LoanSetup": {
        "loanAmount": "10000.00",
        "loanRate": "4.5",
        "loanClass": "loan.class.carLoan",
        "loanType": "loan.type.installment",
        "contractDate": "2022-05-07",
        "firstPaymentDate": "2022-05-14"
// This payload uses the tenant Loan Defaults to input the remaining loan information.

    "displayId": "New Loan Display ID",
    "LoanSetup": {
        "loanAmount": "10000.00",
        "loanRate": "4.5",
        "loanClass": "loan.class.carLoan",
        "loanType": "loan.type.installment",
        "contractDate": "2022-05-07",
        "firstPaymentDate": "2022-05-14"
    "Customers": { // 👈 This object will link a customer to the loan.
        "results": [
                "__id": 873,
                "__setLoanRole": "loan.customerRole.primary"
// This payload includes multiple objects that hold information detailed in other pages of our documentation.

    "displayId": "New Loan Display ID",
    "LoanSetup": {
        "loanAmount": "10000.00",
        "discount": "500.00",
        "underwriting": "0.00",
        "loanRate": "12.0212",
        "loanRateType": "loan.rateType.annually",
        "loanTerm": "36",
        "contractDate": "2022-02-17",
        "firstPaymentDate": "2022-03-17",
        "amountDown": "0.00",
        "reserve": "5.00",
        "salesPrice": "12000",
        "gap": "1120",
        "warranty": "2500",
        "dealerProfit": "1000",
        "taxes": "125.25",
        "creditLimit": "15500",
        "loanClass": "loan.class.carLoan",
        "loanType": "loan.type.installment",
        "scheduleTemplate": "0",
        "discountSplit": "1",
        "paymentFrequency": "loan.frequency.monthly",
        "calcType": "loan.calcType.simpleInterest",
        "daysInYear": "loan.daysInYear.frequency",
        "interestApplication": "loan.interestApplication.betweenTransactions",
        "begEnd": "loan.begend.end",
        "firstPeriodDays": "loan.firstPeriodDays.frequency",
        "firstDayInterest": 0,
        "discountCalc": "loan.discountCalc.rebalancing",
        "diyAlt": "",
        "daysInPeriod": "loan.daysinperiod.24",
        "roundDecimals": "5",
        "lastAsFinal": "",
        "curtailPercentBase": "loan.curtailpercentbase.loanAmount",
        "nddCalc": "loan.nddCalc.standard",
        "endInterest": "",
        "feesPaidBy": "",
        "graceDays": "5",
        "lateFeeType": "loan.lateFee.3",
        "lateFeeAmount": "30.00",
        "lateFeePercent": "10.00",
        "lateFeeCalc": "loan.lateFeeCalc.standard",
        "lateFeePercentBase": "loan.latefeepercentbase.regular",
        "paymentDateApp": "loan.pmtdateapp.actual",
        "maxInterestAmount": "0",
        "financeChargeAsMIA": 1,
        "EscrowCalculators": {
            "results": [
                    "entityType": "Entity.Loan",
                    "subset": 1,
                    "term": 36,
                    "total": 100,
                    "percentBase": "loan.escrowPercentBase.loanAmount",
                    "proRate1st": "loan.escrowProrateFirst.none",
                    "extendFinal": "",
                    "disclosureLnAmtAdd": 0,
                    "paymentApplication": "loan.escrowpmtapp.percentfixed"
    "LoanSettings": {
        "cardFeeAmount": 0,
        "cardFeeType": "loan.cardfee.types.1",
        "cardFeePercent": 0,
        "agent": 0,
        "loanStatusId": 2,
        "loanSubStatusId": 9,
        "sourceCompany": null,
        "paymentTypeDefault": 0,
        "eBilling": 0,
        "ECOACode": "loan.ecoacodes.1",
        "coBuyerECOACode": "loan.ecoacodes.0",
        "creditStatus": "loan.creditstatus.0",
        "creditBureau": "loan.creditbureau.00",
        "reportingType": "loan.reportingtype.I",
        "secured": 1,
        "autopayEnabled": 1,
        "repoDate": "",
        "closedDate": "",
        "liquidationDate": "",
        "followUpDate": "",
        "isStoplightManuallySet": 0,
        "merchantProcessorGroupId": 0,
        "repo": false,
        "closed": false,
        "liquidation": false,
        "paymentTypeDefaultText": "Company Default"
    "Portfolios": {
        "results": [
                "__metadata": {
                    "uri": "/api/1/odata.svc/Portfolios(id=2)",
                    "type": "Entity.Portfolio"
    "SubPortfolios": {
        "results": [
                "__metadata": {
                    "uri": "/api/1/odata.svc/Portfolios(id=31)",
                    "type": "Entity.SubPortfolio"
    "Customers": {
        "results": [
                "__id": 292,
                "__setLoanRole": "loan.customerRole.primary"
    "Collateral": {
        "results": [
                "a": "2020",
                "b": "Honda",
                "c": "Accord",
                "d": "LE",
                "additional": "No Additional Information",
                "collateralType": "",
                "vin": "1HGES839020812730",
                "distance": "13000",
                "bookValue": "24708.59",
                "color": "Blue",
                "gpsStatus": "collateral.gpsstatus.notinstalled",
                "gpsCode": "NONE",
                "licensePlate": "H3L 6N8",
                "gap": "0",
                "warranty": "0",
                "positionId": 1
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!