Link Payment Profile to Customer

This request links a Payment Profile to a customer.

Link a Payment Profile to a Customer
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This request links a payment profile created within Adaptive Wallet (formerly Secure Payments) to a customer in LMS:

  • The PaymentAccounts object holds payment profile information, and it's nested within the Customers entity. To link a payment profile to a customer, send a payload to the Customers endpoint.
  • Payment profiles are always created via Adaptive Wallet. Even when creating a payment profile in the LMS UI, it is actually created in Adaptive Wallet via an iframe.
  • Payment profiles are tokenized when they're created for enhanced security. The token that is generated is used in LMS to reference the profile created in Adaptive Wallet. Tokens are never saved in Adaptive Wallet, so it's important to capture them until linking the payment profile to a customer in LMS.
  • Payment profiles can either be bank accounts or credit/debit cards.
  • A 200 response from this request will display all of the payment profiles linked to the customer. The most recently created ID will be listed last.

For an example of how payment profiles are linked to customers within the UI, take a look at our Add a Payment Profile article.


For information regarding payment profile database tables, see the following articles:

     "PaymentAccounts": {
          "results": [
                    "active": 1,
                    "isPrimary": 0,
                    "isSecondary": 1,
                    "title": "Checking Account",
                    "type": "paymentAccount.type.checking",
                    "CheckingAccount": {
                         "accountType": "bankacct.type.checking",
                         "token": "QVFJREFIalVqRlk3bHJIVFJFWERTSFljS3R6..."
     "PaymentAccounts": {
          "results": [
                    "active": 1,
                    "isPrimary": 0,
                    "isSecondary": 1,
                    "title": "Credit Card",
                    "type": "",
                    "CreditCard": {
                    		"token": "QVFJREFIalVqRlk3bHJIVFJFWERTSFljS3R6..."
    "PaymentAccounts": {
        "results": [
                "active": 1,
                "isPrimary": 1,
                "isSecondary": 0,
                "title": "Checking Account",
                "type": "paymentAccount.type.checking",
                "CheckingAccount": {
                    "accountType": "bankacct.type.checking",
                    "token": "QVFJREFIalVqRlk3bHJIVFJFWERTSFljS3R6..."
                "active": 1,
                "isPrimary": 0,
                "isSecondary": 1,
                "title": "Credit Card",
                "type": "",
                "CreditCard": {
                    "token": "QVFJREFIalVqRlk3bHJIVFJFWERTSFljS3R6..."
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!