Update Customer Employer

This request updates a customer's employer information.

   Click here to learn more about this request

Employer information helps lenders contact their borrowers and provides vital background information during the underwriting process:

  • The Employer object is nested within the Customers entity. Thus, this request is sent through the Customers endpoint.
  • Each customer profile can only have one employer's information saved at a time. As such, this request is used both to add customer employer information and update it.

For an example of how employer information is saved within the UI, take a look at our Updating Employer Information article.


For information regarding employer database tables, see the following articles:

    "Employer": {
        "phone": "5555555555",
        "payDate": "2015-11-30",
        "Address": {
            "address1": "123 Oak Lane",
            "city": "San Diego",
            "state": "geo.state.CA",
            "zipcode": "145245498",
            "country": "company.country.usa"
        "hireDate": "2015-11-11",
        "incomeFrequency": "customerEmployer.incomeFrequency.annually",
        "payDateFrequency": "customerEmployer.payDateFrequency.weekly",
        "income": "150000.00",
        "companyName": "Merrill Lynch",
        "title": "Manager"
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