Get issuer account

This request pulls a Card Issuer's information.

   Click here to learn more about this request

An issuer represents the issuing processor that is responsible for issuing your card product. With LoanPro’s architecture, you have no limitations to who you choose as your issuing processor—the choice is fully yours. This guide is not dependent on any specific issuing processor.

Issuers are the broadest entity within the Secure Payments architecture, and they are used as a container for Card Programs ↗.

Here's what you need to know about this request:

  • This request pulls a Card Issuer's information via its ID.
  • Issuer's fit within the Secure Payments hierarchy like the following:
    • Secure Payments account > Issuers > Programs > Cards > Swipes > Swipe Events
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!