Response Codes

Each response code you can receive from our the LMS API.

The LoanPro API provides standard HTTP response codes, and most requests will result in codes within the 2xx range and the 4xx range. Here is a summary of the response codes provided by our API:

Response CodeDescriptionCommon Reason
200 OKNice! Your request was successful.You're great at reading documentation and an all-around awesome individual.
401 Authentication ErrorAn authentication error occurred.A 401 response typically means there's an error with your headers. We couldn't validate your API key, tenant ID, or both.
404 Not FoundThe information in the request could not be found.This response is rare. Our API will typically give you a 409 response instead if a resource is missing. However, you may receive this response if an invalid endpoint is used.
409 ConflictA conflict occurred which resulted in a failure.A 409 response typically means there's an error with the request's payload, endpoint, or both. Here are a few common failure causes:
- Missing required payload fields
- Typos within the endpoint
- Missing or invalid entity IDs such as customer IDs and loan IDs
- Sending mismatching payload and endpoint information—like sending customer information to the Loans endpoint.
500 Internal Server ErrorThere was an error on our end.This response is also rare. Typically, it means we had an issue handling your request due to an error with one of our services. You will also receive this error code if your request results in a timeout.