Get Admin Stats

This request allows you to pull a loan's admin stat report information.

   Click here to learn more about this request

The Admin Stats Report provides lenders with a detailed view of how a loan is performing. Here's what you need to know about this request:

  • The response from this request provides a list of calculated values that pertain to the loan. These values are broken into three categories:
    • active - This category displays active amounts for the loan.
    • paidoff - This category displays amounts already paid on the loan.
    • repossessed - This category displays repossession amounts for the loan.

For an example of how the Admin Stats Report works within the UI, take a look at our Admin Stats Report - Loan article.


Pay special attention to the endpoint of this request.

This request does not use OData, so it's not included in the endpoint like most other LMS requests.


For information on admin stats database tables, see the following articles:

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!